William Shatner on Climbing El Cap (video)

I like how he stumbles and almost says 30,000 feet instead of 3,000 feet. Gotta love William Shatner.






5 responses to “William Shatner on Climbing El Cap (video)”

  1. Edie Avatar

    I am trying so hard not to say something pithy and acerbic. No, really I am.

    *Sigh* Discretion=fail.

    “Making love to the mountain”?–Bill, you’ve bitten off more than you can screw.

  2. Bernard Avatar

    Incredible. I think I ca see the chalk on his hands!

  3. Mark Petersen Avatar

    Awesome fine Loyd! Two of my favorite things, Yosemite and Star Trek. It doesn’t get much better than this!

  4. robert lucas Avatar
    robert lucas

    “….hug the mountain,envelop the mountain…” real f-ing poetry.