“What’s it going to be like next weekend?”

Ernesto writes in to ask:

Going camping (at least hoping to) with my buddies in the valley march 31-April 2nd. I’ve noticed the valley has gotten some snow the past couple of weeks, which has me worrying about the camping conditions. Is the weather going to be “camp-able” (if that’s a word)? Are any of the trails such as Yosemite falls and Nevada/vernal falls going to be accessible? I’ve camped in Yosemite in early spring so I know what I am getting myself into but it looks likes this year the weather is going to be particularly nasty.

I think you’ve caught a break Ernesto. There’s still snow in the Valley but there isn’t much rain called for this week. In fact, after Tuesday it looks like it’s supposed to dry out and warm up a bit. As for the trails you can expect to find snow in the normal south side and shady areas. Even if you can’t make it up Yosemite Falls or to the top of Nevada Fall (watch out for ice) there’s plenty of hiking to do around the Valley and always skiing at Badger.

If you’ve never skied or snow shoed before this might be a great time to take a lesson and have some fun. Good luck and have a great trip!

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One response to ““What’s it going to be like next weekend?””

  1. Dan Mitchell Avatar


    The Monday night and Tuesday storm may be a pretty big one, and the prospects for later in the week are shifting – at this time pointing to another late-week storm.

    Unless we have an unusually warm mid- to late-spring, the passes may open a bit on the late side this year.
