The Mystery of the Stone Chimney Solved

An old stone hearth in Yosemite Valley.Remember last week I asked about the stone chimney my wife and I had come across in the Valley. Glenn Williams sent me an email with a great answer to my question. The chimney was originally part of a CCC camp during the late 30’s and early 40’s. Here’s Glenn’s email:

The stone chimney belongs to the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp that was in the 30’s located near the Old Big Oak Flat Road and Ribbon Creek. This camp (called Cascades Camp since it replaced the flooded-out camp by Cascade Falls).

The chimney is nearly all that remains of the camp, though nearby you’ll find several other concrete structures (foundations).

According to Linda Greene’s 1986 Cultural Research study of the park, the camp was built from Jan to April 1938 as a consequence of the old Cascades camp being washed out by the 1937 flood. The CCC set up a small village here, including 4 huge dormitories, a rec hall, a mess hall, officers’ cabins, etc. The camp was abandoned in August 1942 and the buildings were sometime thereafter removed. Today the area is used by the NPS for employee wood collection.

Thanks to Glenn and everyone who sent a response or spent time researching the chimney. If anyone happens to come across an old photo of the camp, please, send it my way.






3 responses to “The Mystery of the Stone Chimney Solved”

  1. Scott Avatar

    It would be great to go back in time and hang out in Yosemite in the 1930s. It would also be great to be there right now:)
    There is a article in Backpacker magazine (1 or 2 issues ago) where a guy works for a couple of weeks in the pizza parlor at Curry Village. In the article he talked about The Devils Bathtub. Did you ever find out anymore about it?

  2. Ambitious Wench Avatar
    Ambitious Wench

    Re: Devil’s Bathtub

    It’s a bit tricky to find, and get to, but I’ve been there. What do you want to know?

  3. Timmy Corkery Avatar

    Excellent! Great story and thanks for the lat/lon data. Yet another pin on my “another place I want to go” map!