The Hidden Heroes

We never think much about them until we need them and when we need them, we’re thankful they’re there. Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue tells the untold tale of a group of true heroes who give selflessly to help people in need. Thanks.rescuecopter.jpg

This story is true and was taken directly from an incident report on by Wayne Lederer.

“At about 0900 on Sunday, February 20 2005, Wawona Ranger M. Dowdle recieved a radio call from K. Ripple, the Ostrander Hut Manager. Ripple reported that he was starting a search for a solo female skier in the Horizon Ridge area, northwest of Ostrander between the hut and the Glacier Point Road.

Ripple reported that the skier has left the Ostrander Hut the day before at about 1130 heading northbound towards Horizon Ridge. He reported that she had told him she would either go to her tent, which she had set up along the Horizon Ridge Trail two days earlier, or continue on to Badger Pass Trailhead. Ripple was worried about the missing skier because she had been seen at 1530 hours the day before on the Horizon Ridge Trail, which would mean she had only gone 1.5 miles in 4 hours. Ripple reported that there had been a heavy snowstorm on the afternoon and evening of the previous day, dropping over a foot of new snow.

At 1015 hours Ripple reported to Dowdle that he and another person had just skied to the subject’s tent and found it unoccupied and covered in snow. Ripple said he was concerned that the missing skier had gotten lost in the storm and had to spend the night out.

After Ranger Dowdle received the report from Ripple, he requested that Ripple continue searching. Ripple requested assistance from two NPS employees who happened to be staying at Ostrander Hut. Dowdle began gathering resources and making search plans. Ranger M. Marschall arrived and assumed the role of Incident Commander at 1150 hours. Other Wawona District rangers were assigned to various support and liaison roles.

While search teams were being assembled at Badger Pass, Ripple and his team of four (the two NPS employees and two French volunteers) continued to search. At 1313 hours the Ripple team found the missing skier in a tree well on Horizon Ridge, about 2.3 miles NNE from Ostrander Hut. Ripple reported that the skier was barely conscious and appeared to be suffering from severe hypothermia. The team assisted in removing the skier’s wet clothes and started rewarming her.”Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue






2 responses to “The Hidden Heroes”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Do you know anything about a person slipping off the rocks yesterday (July 28, 2005) and falling into the rapids. We were there and saw the aftermath of the incident and rescue helicopter. Any info would be appreciated as we can’t get the distraught grandmother off our minds. Thanks, Steph

  2. Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue

    The Yosemite Blog has a post on the Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue. There’s a good discussion of an incident report from YOSAR.

    A list of recent rescues can be found here….