The First Car in Yosemite

Oliver Lippincott became first motorist in Yosemite National Park, in his Locomobile steamer. Photo courtesy

Although today is listed as the first official day cars were allowed into Yosemite, here’s proof they’d been there for quite some time already.

Automobiles were legally allowed to enter Yosemite National Park, California, for the first time on this day, marking a huge change in the national park system. Prior to 1913, most park visitors traveled by train to the park and then took scheduled stagecoach tours. The advent of motor tourism changed the face of Yosemite forever, for it demanded modern, high-quality park roads. (

Oliver Lippincott was in fact, the first patron of Yosemite to visit in an automobile. The car was steam powered and ran the risk of exploding if the boiler became too hot.






2 responses to “The First Car in Yosemite”

  1. Nick Howell Avatar
    Nick Howell

    I don’t know why you say that the car “ran the risk of exploding if it got too hot” as there are no recorded incidents of a Locomobile, or any other production steam car, boilers exploding.