The Devil’s Bathtub – Clothing Optional

Scott wrote in and asked me if I knew of the location of the Devil’s Bathtub in Yosemite Valley.

At the bottom of Royal Arches Cascade behind the Ahwahnee is a small pool commonly called The Devil’s Bathtub. A Google search resulted in many hits from sites listing it as a “clothing optional” swimming hole. So…um…I guess there’s a nude beach in Yosemite.






3 responses to “The Devil’s Bathtub – Clothing Optional”

  1. Colin #2868 Avatar
    Colin #2868

    yes, during my first year here (Ten years ago), we also had Wiccan “Sky Clad” ceremonies, and other events going on in the area. Technically the area is not officially “Clothing optional” it’s just that it’s used by so many of the park’s employees that it more or less is such, due to the fact most guests and their families don’t know it’s there.

  2. Jon Shannon Avatar

    Hmmm! I’ve been there a couple of times to take pictures (can get some nice shots in Spring of the water cascading down the rock). It doesn’t strike me as a good place to swim, or even “cool off”.

  3. Dallas Avatar

    I went clothing optional 30 years ago. I worked there one summer. Back then it was only the employees of the park that new about it. All I remember…the water was embarassingly cold!