That’s Just Mean

Photo: Yosemite bear eating Doritos by John Bennett

I’d found this photo a while back and asked to use it to which John nicely enough said ‘sure’ but then I couldn’t find it again. Anyway, someone evidently didn’t like the owner of this Hummer and to get back at them poured Doritos chips all over the top knowing it would attract bears. Not a really cool thing to do for the owner of the car OR the bear.

Thanks for letting me use the photo John.

Photo by John Bennett via Flickr.






One response to “That’s Just Mean”

  1. Tania Avatar

    This photo is an example of peoples lack of respect for the world around them. Whatever idiot who put the doritos on top of the car has condemned this poor bear to death. Once a wild animal gets a taste of human food and then they will continue to look for it. It is only a matter of time before this bear is breaking into cars for food or raiding the campgrounds.