Sharing The Land With Rare and Beautiful Creatures

Mountain Lions are rare and serve an important role in the ecosystem of Yosemite. Although human and mountain lion interaction can sometimes meet with dire circumstances through a little education we can get a long peacefully. Below are some recommendations you should follow in all areas where mountain lions are active or have been sighted.

Keep children close to you. Do not allow them to run ahead or lag behind on the trail.

Hiking or running alone is not recommended. A walking stick can be a useful defense.

If you encounter a lion, shout in a low voice and wave your arms or hold your coat open. Your goal is to make yourself look as large and threatening as possible. Maintain eye contact with the lion, and do not crouch down. Throw sticks or rocks at the lion. NEVER RUN. Pick up or restrain small children to keep them from panicking and running. If a lion attacks, FIGHT BACK!

If you do happen to see a mountain lion call the Park’s Dispatch Office at 379-1992 as soon as possible. Currently the Wildlife Office and Protection Rangers are monitoring 3 mountain lions within the Valley but they pose no threat to humans as of yet.






One response to “Sharing The Land With Rare and Beautiful Creatures”

  1. […] All trails closed to Mountain Lion activity have been reopened. Read Sharing the Land with Rare and Beautiful Creatures for some tips on how you can protect yourself in mountain lion country. […]