SF Voters say “No” to Hetch Hetchy

O'Shaughnessy Dam

A ballot proposal that would have led to the dismantling of O’Shaughnessy Dam and drained Hetch Hetcy valley has been defeated by San Francisco voters.

CBS News: With all precincts reporting, unofficial election results showed that 77 percent of San Francisco voters voted no on Proposition F, a measure put on the ballot by a group seeking to restore the valley to its natural state.

The measure would have forced the city to formulate a plan to dismantle the dam, constructed in 1923, and improve local water conservation efforts. The plan would have gone before San Francisco voters as a charter amendment in November 2016.






2 responses to “SF Voters say “No” to Hetch Hetchy”

  1. Mary Avatar

    This is the worst California vote of this election cycle. My dream is someday Hetch Hetchy will return to nature.

  2. JGW Avatar

    San Francisco’s dirty little secret is not so secret anymore. All Californians need to vote on this. California voters say “let us vote!” Bring on the statewide initiative! All of those San Francisco Prius drivers who just voted to keep a dam in a national park are just a big hypocritical joke along with their leader, Senator Feinstein.