Photo of the Day: Resting at Clouds Rest by Sathish Jothikumar

Resting at Clouds Rest

Sathish is one of those people who I was fortunate enough to meet through Flickr and Yosemite Blog that I consider a friend. He’s also one hell of a photographer. Take for instance today’s Photo of the Day, Resting at Clouds Rest. This is a beautiful shot from the top of one of the less visited but very visible places in Yosemite that is, IMO a better vantage point (and significantly less crowded) than the top of Half Dome. I mean, look at that view of the Yosemite high country and the Sierra Crest. Incredible!

To fully appreciate the depth and breadth of this photo check out the original size image. Be sure to also check out more of Sathish’s awesome photos. He’s got some really beautiful stuff that makes it well worth the time.

Great shot, Sathish.

Photo by Sathish Jothikumar (aks Satosphere) via Flickr.


2 responses to “Photo of the Day: Resting at Clouds Rest by Sathish Jothikumar”

  1. Joey Avatar

    I totally agree, the view from Cloud’s Rest is far superior to the view from the top of Half Dome. I definitely love Half Dome, but people don’t know what they’re missing by not doing Cloud’s Rest. Thanks for sharing this photo!

  2. Paul Avatar

    Amazing pic! I liked it but is it really taken by you.I love hiking, as we made for each other.