Photo of the Day: Hiker Near Lower Yosemite Falls by Loyd Schutte

Hiker Near Lower Yosemite Falls

Today’s Photo of the Day is actually one of my pics. I was out wandering around Yosemite Valley early one February when I came upon a couple by the bridge below Lower Yosemite Fall. I talked to the couple for a bit asking where they were from and making the usual pleasantries when I noticed a woman on the bridge by herself. I looked around and spotted the husband off scrambling on the rocks below the lower fall. Deciding the husband was either going to kill himself or make the subject of a really good photo I took a couple of shots of him perched upon the rocks. I never found out who the couple were and suffice to say, the husband didn’t slip and die on the rocks….at least not that trip.Photo by a href=”” title=”Hiker Near Lower Yosemite Falls by Campin’ Guy, on Flickr”>Loyd Schutte.





One response to “Photo of the Day: Hiker Near Lower Yosemite Falls by Loyd Schutte”

  1. Ed Avatar

    Great shot Loyd….