Maybe You Can Help Us

My wife and I are discussing getting an RV but we’re not sure if we want a trailer or something like an Ithasca. What are your opinions? Experiences? If we get a trailer should we get a 5th-wheel? We’re not looking for anything big, just something small that’s comfortable on mountain roads. Any help is appreciated.

Photo by Jim Mitchell.






7 responses to “Maybe You Can Help Us”

  1. Jim Mitchell Avatar
    Jim Mitchell

    Thanks for sharing the photo.

    One advantage to trailer over self-contained RV we find is that you can hop in the tow vehicle and go into town without having to tear the campsite down. We love to explore the area around the sites we go to.

    With an RV, unless you’re towing your vehicle, which isn’t practical on a small to mid-sized rig, you’re pretty much stuck at the site.

  2. Robert Pearce Avatar
    Robert Pearce

    If I were to get another trailer, it would be very close to the one in the picture you have posted. If you currently have a truck or SUV, there’s a good chance you would be able to tow a trailer this size without needing to upgrade the vehicle also. I had a 31′ 5th Wheel with a crew cab dually truck. This rig pulled very nice, however, because of the size, it was too cumbersome to take to the places we enjoyed. A small trailer will allow you greater flexibility in camping options, but in a smaller space. You and your wife will need to determine the minimum size you can stand for comfortable camping.
    Good Luck!

  3. MichaelG Avatar

    Go to an RV show and look a them all. You have to see what they have and what you like.

    We have an Outback and really love it. sleeps 10 i think, but just perfect for me and the kids.

    1. admin Avatar

      That’s a definite. We’re lucky there’s a large amount of dealers close with a decent selection too.

      What are your opinions though? RV or trailer? We’ve thought of all the basic pluses and negatives (rv: can move about while in transit. no need to stop. trailer: separate vehicle in case of break down without having to tow. usually less expensive.)

      Are they like a boat (big hole you just keep dumping money in)?

  4. Daren Avatar

    Our family has a Coleman Niagra pop-up trailer. Its been great for us every time that we’ve taken it out.

  5. Roger Avatar

    I have always traveled in a trailer. Younger years with my parents, then my own family and now my wife and I. The size that I can always remember is a 25′. This is a good size for us, not too big for campgrounds but big enough so you don’t have to compromise inside. With a trailer you always have a vehicle to explore with once you get to your destination. However a motorhome will allow you the same if you tow a vehicle. Also the passengers can get up and get around with a motorhome. It is, as always, a matter of personal preference.

    Look at my blog if you like, my old Airstream pictures at: or an actual picture of me and early family in Yosemite at my Flickr account (larock) with a yosemiteblog tag.

    Feel free to contact me with any questions. For us RVing is the way to go.

  6. Carol Ouzounian Avatar
    Carol Ouzounian

    Whatever you do, buy one from Elkhart, Indiana, my hometown. I love Yosemite, and Elkhart needs the work! Obama is coming Wednesday this week and spoke about Elkhart in his recent weekly address. Elkhart’s been in the news as the “poster child” of the economic crisis. We’d like to rebound and remain the RV capital of the world. We love Yosemite!