Landslide Closes Hwy 140, Again

According to the Mariposa Gazette:

Mariposa Gazette

A large boulder slid onto the east bound lane of [Highway 140] approximately one mile from the [Briceburg Grade] late Monday afternoon. CHP and Cal Trans are on scene for traffic control.

A closure expected to last hours has not yet been announced as equipment must be transported from Merced to handle the situation. Traffic delays should be anticipated.

I’ve been waiting for this to happen all day. Loyd predicted this to me this morning.







2 responses to “Landslide Closes Hwy 140, Again”

  1. Rick Deutsch Avatar

    Where is this in relation to the Ferguson Rockslide on 140?

    Rick D.

  2. Pedro Willis Avatar
    Pedro Willis

    West of the Ferguson. About one mile east of Briceburg.