Got Some Time This Weekend? Read A Book

If you’re just kicking it around the house this Memorial Day weekend and you’re in the mood for something interesting to read I’d recommend getting The Last Season by Eric Blehm

The Last Season is the story of Randy Morgenson, a former Yosemite/Sequoia – Kings Canyon backcountry ranger. Randy was often thought of as the “go to” guy when someone went missing until one day Randy himself went missing.

Those of you who have lived and visited Yosemite for a long time may remember Randy grew up in Yosemite Valley here his dad, Dana, was a local celebrity for the wonderful hikes around the Valley he led people on.

It’s a very riveting story. I highly recommend checking it out.

On a side note I think it’s kind of ironic that the image from Amazon of the front cover says “Search inside” and the story is about a missing person. Weird.






4 responses to “Got Some Time This Weekend? Read A Book”

  1. Daren Avatar

    I loved this book. One of the few books that I have read that I couldn’t put down. I definitely reccomend this for anyone looking for a great summer book.

  2. Judy d'Albert Avatar
    Judy d’Albert

    Thanks, I shall definitely get this. Dana Morgenson was responsible in large part, along with Rangers Will Neely and John Lemmons for introducing me to the joys of wildflower and long day hikes, mainly in the high country in the early 70s. Indeed today, thanks to Dana, I could find a rare gentian just outside Tioga Pass and also the sky pilot though it was Will who took us up to the rarified summit of Mt Dana to see them, after we waded knee high through the flower gradens Dana shared with us beyond Tioga Tarns at the start of the trail. I treasure Dana’s autographed copy of Yosemite Wildflower Trails. He also shared the magic of viewing raindrops suspended on pine needles one Thanksgiving in the Valley which led to my husband extending the concept into brilliant close up abstract photography with flowers and dewdrops which won awards and sales quite unexpectedly!

  3. Paul Davis Avatar

    I read this book two summers ago, and it was one of the best books Ive read in a long time. I couldn’t put it down until it was finished, and it definitely made me want to head to the High Sierra. A great Read

  4. Dewey Avatar

    I read this book last year at the behest of someone who loves the Sierra Nevada’s, much the same way as Randy. It is very well written, to the point that at the end, I was depressed knowing I would never get to know someone like that, who could share his wealth of knowledge with me. Thanks for reminding me of it.