El Portal Fire Update

Size: 3900 acres

Percent Contained: 34%

Fire Summary:
Today the fire made a one-half to three-quarter mile run in the Crane Creek area. Two small spots were detected in front of the head of the fire. Both spots have been lined and controlled. Smoky conditions challenged air resources. Smoke on the northwest side of the fire obscured viewing of the fire perimeter.

The Dark Hole fire had a wetting rain on it today.

Thunderstorms have increased the threat of lightning. Poor relative humidity recovery above the thermal belt will lead to active fire behavior tonight.

Total Number of Personnel: 1063

Costs to Date: $4,400,000





3 responses to “El Portal Fire Update”

  1. Hiking Tim Avatar

    It’s heartbreaking to see all the fires that are taking place this summer. And the cost! Imagine how much park and trail maintenance could be completed with all that money.