Early Bird Gets the Worm

You probably haven’t put much thought into it but if you’re looking to beat the crowds and get the best campsites next spring now is the time to start planning. Most campgrounds begin taking reservations up to 6 months in advance.

Below is a chart showing which month you should make reservations in for the month you want to go camping. Keep in mind not all campgrounds require early reservations nor is it always necessary but sometimes it makes all the difference.

Graphic: Plan Your Trip 6 Months in Advance



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2 responses to “Early Bird Gets the Worm”

  1. Mathew Avatar

    I used to have a system to get a site, but I don’t know any more. I used to send in my reservation request via snail mail. It worked, but they got rid of that method. Any advice for beating the endless busy signals or website crashes that accompany the opening of a reservation period?


  2. Bharath Avatar

    Hey i am a traveler from India. I will be in California during the month of February. Does Yosemite get frigid in that period? How easy/tough would it be to get a reservation for a room in January for the same.