BUSTED! I’m Not Even Going To Talk About It

Devastation created by a pot farm in a forest. Photo by robmcbell.

The last time I posted anything about a pot bust in Yosemite I got about 15 emails. It seems lots of people love their pot and they don’t mind the damage it does to the National Parks. They wouldn’t care about the 400 pounds of fertilizer tainting and poisoning water around the area animals drink from or the 3,000 feet of irrigation hose lying strewn around the area or even the 200 pounds of human trash the two suspects observed in the area had left. I’m not even going to talk about how much damage their cultivation of pot in Yosemite did nor how much money all the taxpayers just shelled out to have that mess cleaned up.






2 responses to “BUSTED! I’m Not Even Going To Talk About It”

  1. Dane Carlson Avatar

    There sure would be a lot less mess if farmers could grow marijuana openly and honestly on their own farms.

  2. ryan Avatar

    When was this discovered? Is this a recent bust? Was there any news articles about it?