Bird of Paradise: High Sierra Vacation

This job is great. I get to meet so many great and interesting people, take Jim Tweedie for instance. I came across Jim’s site the other day and saw some excellent photos of his vacation in the High Sierra with his brother. I sent off an email asking if he minded if I linked to his site and if I could use a photo and this is the reply I got:

“I live in Hawaii and my brother in Modesto.  We spend one week each year fly fishing in the High Sierra….somewhere different each year.  We try to keep above 8,000 feet…..averaging somewhere at 9,000 to 10,000 and sometimes higher.  The fish are smaller up there but are usually “wild”, meaning they are several generations beyond the last time they were planted….often more than 20 years, as in the National Parks.  The challenge is part of the fun….also, the color of the brook and rainbows are so varied and gorgeous at that elevation!

Fly fishing the High Sierra by Jim Tweedie

In any case, this year we “hiked” out of Lee Vining.  We stayed at Murphey’s Lodge which provided us with a room with two queen size beds (brand new….firm…the best hotel bed I have ever slept in) for $109 per night.  They have a No Vacancy sign on all summer….reservations must be made a month or so in advance or hope for a cancellation.


I’ve gotta say that going from sea level in Hawaii to 10,000 feet and starting a hike on the same day puts quite a bit of stress on my depleted red blood cells!  At 54 years old I huff and puff for a few days before “hitting my stride!”


I’m glad to meet a friend of Yosemite.  My grandparents honeymooned in the valley back in 1913.  My parents, my brother and my wife and I did, too.  My father worked his way through college during the depression (Occidental College in So Cal) by working at Camp Curry during the summers.  My first high Sierra trip was to Vogelsang when I was 4 years old.  We rented a mule to carry our gear and, when my father wasn’t carrying me on his shoulders, I walked most of the way there myself!”

Jim’s photos are fantastic. Be sure you head on over there ( and take a look.

Thanks again, Jim.

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One response to “Bird of Paradise: High Sierra Vacation”

  1. Daniel Avatar

    I couldn’t understand some parts of this article Bird of Paradise: High Sierra Vacation, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.