A Suggestion From a Reader Brings About a Slight Change

Usually people write in with questions about Yosemite but Forrest wrote in with a suggestion about the blog.

“I check out the Yosemite Blog sometimes and also use Flickr to upload photos and I have a suggestion that could improve the way the photos tagged with “yosemiteblogcom” are displayed on your site.

Is there a way to randomize the photos (tagged yosemiteblogcom) displayed? Right now it looks like you always display the 7 most recently taken photos. Usually this means that the photos displayed remain pretty static. If you could randomize it, your visitors will see new ones more often.”

Well Forrest to tell the truth, I’m not sure why I had the photos in the sidebar pulling the latest photos and not randomly. So, TA DAH! It’s done. The photos in the sidebar are now randomly selected from everyones photos tagged YOSEMITEBLOGCOM on Flickr.

If you haven’t got a Flickr account you can get one for FREE. Just head over to www.flickr.com and sign up. I’ve been a member of Flickr since it was a Beta and like it a lot. It’s a great and easy way to share photos with family, friends, or bloggers who write about Yosemite.

By the way, if you just want to browse all the photos people are tagging on Flickr you can see them here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/yosemiteblogcom/. And if you’re uploading to Flickr don’t forget to join the Yosemite Group. I know a couple of the admins personally 😉






One response to “A Suggestion From a Reader Brings About a Slight Change”

  1. Forrest Avatar

    Awesome! Looks great Loyd!