Yosemite Road and Trail Closure Update

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s closed in Yosemite at the moment.


Highway 120 into Yosemite remains closed at this time.

All facilities and areas along the Big Oak Flat Road west of Crane Flat are closed, including Tuolumne and Merced Groves of Giant Sequoias, Hodgdon Meadow and Crane Flat Campgrounds, and the Big Oak Flat Information station. The Crane Flat gas station and store are open.

The Tioga Road is closed for the next five to seven days.

All facilities and areas along the Tioga Road west of Ten Lakes Trailhead are closed, including Tamarack Flat, White Wolf, and Yosemite Creek Campgrounds, and White Wolf Lodge. Ten Lakes Trailhead parking is closed, but the Yosemite Creek Picnic Area is open.

The Hetch Hetchy Road, including all areas and facilities along the road, is closed.

Wilderness trail closures: The area west of the May Lake Road and May Lake Trail continuing to the junction with the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) at Glen Aulin and then north along the PCT to Bond Pass is closed. The park’s boundary serves as the closure’s northern and western edge extending south to the junction of the Big Oak Flat Road and Tioga Road at Crane Flat. The closure’s boundary continues east from Crane Flat paralleling the Tioga Road a half mile to its south to the Tamarack Flat Campground Road. The closure follows the Tamarack Flat Campground Road to the campground then continues on the Tamarack Creek trail to the junction with the North Rim Trail. Then east along the North Rim trail to the Yosemite Creek trail north to the Tioga Road. The closure then follows the Tioga Road east to the May Lake Road. The trails serving as the eastern and southern boundary of the closed area remain open. May Lake High Sierra Camp, Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp, and Porcupine Flat Campground are open.






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