Weekly Weather Outlook Nov. 8 – Nov. 14 2004

Weekly Weather Outlook for the week of November 8, 2004 through November 14, 2004.

Monday: Cloudy with showers. Chance of snow above 7,000ft.

Tuesday: Partly cloudy. Expected Highs: mid 50’s. Lows: Upper 30’s.

Wednesday: Rain is expected in the lower elevations with snow about 8,000 ft and down to 7,500 ft during the night. Expected Highs: mid 50’s. Lows: Upper 30’s.

Thursday: Rain and snow. Expected Highs: mid 50’s. Lows: Mid 30’s.

Friday: Rain and snow. Expected Highs: mid 50’s. Lows: Mid 30’s.

Saturday: Partly cloudy. Expected Highs: mid 50’s. Lows: Mid 30’s.

Sunday: Partly cloudy. Expected Highs: Low to mid 50’s. Lows: Mid 30’s.

Be sure to check the weather before heading out as conditions can change very quickly in the mountains during the winter months. Always carry tire chains when traveling in the Yosemite region. For more information on current conditions and road closures visit the Yosemite National Park Current Conditions page or, to check highway conditions to and from the park, visit the CalTrans current highway conditions page.



