Video: Hang gliding over Yosemite

Here’s part 1 of an interesting video of hang gliding over Yosemite Valley. The shots are fabulous. Is this legal? I don’t know. I know base jumping in the park is illegal but I’m not sure about hang gliding. Watch the video.






5 responses to “Video: Hang gliding over Yosemite”

  1. Dan Avatar

    No, hang gliding is *not* illegal. It’s regulated though and only allowed early in the morning, before crowds can gather.

  2. Kathy Gries Avatar
    Kathy Gries

    The hang-gliding video was awesome!!! Yosemite so beautiful and he was right on when he said that the camera didn’t capture the fullness or the beauty…but when you’ve been there, and you’ve felt its beauty–you know. thank you for sharing.
    Kathy in Ohio

  3. Edie Avatar

    Yes, it is legal, but the launch window is very limited. That’s probably Mike, the guy who did my smog check in Mariposa, he’s probably the only consistant hang glider in Yosemite.

    The launch point is Glacier Point, and I think the only time you can set sail is from 7-8 am in the morning.

    I could be wrong!

  4. dave Avatar

    You have to a Advanced rated pilot and sign up on a date with a monitor and our launch window is 7-9ish, we never or rarely get to soar. Launching Glacier Point takes skill and so therefor it is highly regulated by the park offcial..all in all, hang gliding in yosemite IS legal just regulated.

  5. David (Pilot) Avatar

    Wow how cool. Even more cool was to find my video displayed here for hang gliding. Thank you. I wanted to show the beauty of modern hang gliding. You can see that a modern hang glider is stable enough to fly with no hands while taking photos of the beauty below. The record distance for a hang glider flight (no engine) is 436 miles. I have a friend who is over 65 who hang glides, been flying in Yosemite many times. That flight for me was the embodiment of a long dream to fly I’ve had since childhood. Come join us- it’s the friendly skies.
    There’s more of my hang gliding videos here:
    and leave a comment on my video log. I have some high a high resolution copies of several of the videos, watching the water fall is spectacular at Yosemite (it’s lost on the web version).
