Two Cool Videos of Bouldering In Yosemite

I personally don’t climb because I’m a big stupid animal who is very clumsy (so not lieing here) but I have great admiration for those who love the sport.

Here’s a couple of great videos from Betabase via Tom over at of bouldering in Yosemite. Way cool.

BetaBase: “As some of you know Courtney is back in Cali after a recent trip back east were she got engaged to one Randy Puro. Now that she is back where else would she rather be then bouldering in Yosemite with her peeps. Here she is sending Rabbit Habit for the first time in supreme style. In typical Yosemite sandbag fashion Courtney thought Rabbit Habit should be downgraded to v6 with the new beta. LOL…

Rabbit Habit is located at the LeConte Cave boulder. The first move involves a huge/cramped 5ft dyno to a slopper. So far shorter people have been stumped until the ladies unlocked a small crimper, which allowed them to readjust their right hand to an undercling and then make the reach. It’s not over after that so don%u2019t give up the ship. The top is tenuous and a little reachy.”

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