Something New

There are a lot of places on the internet to find information about Yosemite but sometimes, no matter how hard you look, you just can’t find the answer you need. Everyday I get between 5 and 20 emails from first timers and seasoned visitors alike with questions about the park, the weather, road conditions, or just details on an event taking place. Unfortunately I’m sad to say I’m not always able to answer them all though I may try.

I was mulling this problem over the other day when I had the though, “why don’t I let you guys, my friends and readers, help?”

With that idea in mind I’d like to share with you a cool new feature I’ve added, the Yosemite Blog Forum.

Here’s how you can help. Post your news, questions, information, tips, ANYTHING. Be my eyes and ears to help guide visitors into the park and make their experience the best. You guys are a great community and have a wealth of knowledge.

Registration is free and your emails are private.




