Road Into Yosemite Unstable and Dangerous to Travelers and the Environment

The Union Democrat has an interesting article on the serious deterioration of the roadway many of us travel into and out-of the park.

Union Democrat: “Yosemite National Park officials fear that a failing section of roadway along the Merced River could wash out and block three of the park’s four entrances into Yosemite Valley.

And because sewer lines run under that main route, a major road failure means raw sewage could flow into the Merced River, said park spokeswoman Adrienne Freeman.”

In the article Adrienne also brings up the point that “the road isn’t wide enough for tour buses making them cross the double-yellow line”, a point which I’m more than adamant to agree with. Countless times have I almost become the victim of a head-on collision with a bus or scraped the side of a motorhome that’s come across the line. This road REALLY needs to be repaired. Hopefully it can be done before someone is killed.



