Photo of the Day: White weasel, Yosemite by Kristal Leonard

A white weasel in Yosemite by Kristal Leonard.

I must say, I was totally caught off guard by this photo from Kristal Leonard. I guess, like most other people, I never think much about the wildlife we share Yosemite with. I guess it’s really things like this surprise me because they still exist with the glut of people and cars that pass through the Valley every year. I mean, 4 or 5 million people pass through the park and still, still there’s are weasels (much less a white one) in the Valley. But, I’m always surprised and it excites me that cool things like this are still around.

I know some of you are chomping at the bit to find out where this was taken so here’s Kristals comments on her photo.

Taken a couple years ago during a winter’s day walk in Yosemite Valley. I sat down on the Chapel meadow boardwalk and after a few minutes, this little guy came peeking around to check me out!

Great shot, Kristal.

Photo by Kristal Leonard