Photo of the Day: Mosquito Lakes by Craig Howell

Photo of the Day: Mosquito Lakes by Craig Howell

Today’s Photo of the Day isn’t of anyplace in Yosemite, but one of my favorite spots to go camping, Mosquito Lakes. Mosquito Lakes are 2 small lakes not more than a couple acres each located at the top of Highway 4 close to the summit of the Sierra. Mosquito Lakes are actually one of the first places my wife and I camped together and were camping there the week we found out our offer had been accepted on the house we were buying. So, they’ve always been kind of special to us. We’ll put aside the fact that they’re breathtakingly beautiful, fairly un-impacted for being right beside Highway 4, and don’t live up to their name at all.

Great shot, Craig.

Photo by Craig Howell.



