Photo of the Day: Mono Lake Sunset by Jennifer Franklin

Like many of us local photographers, Jennifer Franklin feels compelled to traverse Tioga Pass the day it opens and with good reason. Take a look at this photo. Man, what a beautiful sunset.

Nice shot, Jennifer.

Photo by Jennifer Franklin.






6 responses to “Photo of the Day: Mono Lake Sunset by Jennifer Franklin”

  1. Jen Avatar

    Thank you Loyd! You’ve made my day by choosing one of my photos as the POTD. 🙂

  2. Jen Avatar

    Oh, and to clarify: this was not on opening day, but almost a week later, on Thursday, June 10th. My parents and I usually don’t make it over on opening day, but we do try to go over as soon as we can arrange a trip after the pass opens. This time we went mid-week and it was fantastic because traffic was light, which made driving through the park such an enjoyable experience.

    On the day this photo was taken, we’d been out and about for several hours in Lundy canyon and Bodie. We were pretty tired and ready for a real meal, and not just trail mix and granola bars. Heading back to Lee Vining, I asked if we wanted to stop at the hotel or go to the tufa towers. We all agreed to go to the tufa towers because we knew if we stopped at the hotel, we’d lose our momentum and end up missing the sunset. We sacrificed dinner at the Whoa Nellie Deli to shoot this sunset, which was a tough call at the time, but I think it was worth it. 🙂

    (We did get dinner at WND, and a pitcher of mango margaritas, the night before, thank goodness!)

    1. admin Avatar

      A week late? Way to slack Jen. So not getting cookies now. Slacker.

  3. Jen Avatar

    It’s okay, I don’t need cookies, I have a bottle of Tioga Toomey’s mango margarita mix. Beat that!

  4. Tyler Westcott Avatar

    I actually guessed which day’s sunset this was before reading your comment, as I was in the park that whole week. Thursday night we were shooting up on Sentinel Dome, and man what a treat it was – the best sunset of the week.

    This is really fantastic – I typically don’t aim for Mono Lake as a sunset location, but when the conditions are right, it’s fantastic.

  5. Tony Immoos Avatar

    Nice job Jen, It’s a gift when you get a sky like that. Someone must like you.