Photo of the Day and a Conditions Update

Today my wife and I and the rugrats went around the park taking pictures and shooting some video. This isn’t the best shot I’ve taken of Yosemite Falls by far but it is the first shot I’ve taken this year.

If you’re headed up to the park I can tell you there’s a little snow on the ground and it’s mostly ice. Paths are slippery and icy but the roads are sandy and fairly clear except for a little black ice. Nothing deep like in years past. The crowds today were moderate for Yosemite. The gray stripe at the top of the trees in the bottom isn’t something wrong with my camera, it’s smoke from the fires people were making in the bbq’s at Swinging Bridge.

I should point out Northside Drive is closed between Camp Curry and Yosemite Village with 2-way traffic on Southside Drive.

The weather is beautiful with bright blue skies and some high clouds. Temperatures are in the mid 50’s during the day and low 30’s at night. No rain or snow in the forecast for the next week so should be awesome if you want to head up next weekend.

Photo by Loyd Schutte.



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