Morning Shot July 24 2009

Today’s beautiful Morning Shot by Alan Grinberg. Check out Alan’s photos at

Today’s Weather: HOT – but cooler than last week at this time. Highs in the mid-90’s. Overnight lows around 65F. Chance of afternoon and evening thunderstorms.

If you’re headed up to the high country expect it to be 10-15 degrees cooler with an elevated chance for thunderstorms.

This is normal Summer weather for the Sierra. Thunderstorms usually consist of medium to heavy rain and occasionally hail. The biggest hail I’ve seen was while camping in the Emigrant Wilderness where hail was about 1/2″ in diameter and came down for 10 minutes until the ground was white like it had snowed.

Watch your speed! Bear activity is up in Yosemite and this is leading to more and more frequent sightings along roadways. Slow down not only so you don’t hit the bear, but the people stopped in the middle of the road who are LOOKING at the bear. Watch your speed. You can and WILL be cited for going over the posted speedlimit. It’s your responsibility to know the speedlimit where you’re at. When in doubt, slow down. 25 m.p.h. probably won’t get you a ticket.



