Mailbag: 6 Tips for Your Next Trip, Map for Sale and Take My Photo Please!

At camp one of the things we looked forward to most was getting mail. So, to bring back some of that ol’ nostalgia, I’m reviving the mailbag tradition. Each week, that I have some, I’ll post your letters and comments so send me what you got!

Kevin writes in: “I was surprised to read (6 Ways to Make Your Next Trip to Yosemite Better) that many first time visitors to Yosemite are disappointed. My wife and I made our first trip this summer and despite the fact that the park was shrouded in smoke, we loved it. Our visit was consistant with your recommendations 3, 5, and 6. We gave ourselves a week (#3). When the park was filled with smoke, we quit visiting the scenic overlooks and focused on nearby beauty and majesty(#5). And we went slow and looked around us (#6).

We are both very overweight but couldn’t resist climbing the mist trail to Vernal falls. Due to our fitness, we required frequent breaks and noted how often we would find some small detail to enjoy while the more fit climbers stormed their way to the top. In the end we felt we were better off for going slow and enjoying the little details. Hopefully, future visitors will heed your advice.”

It struck me as odd too Kevin until I started looking for commonalities then it became evident what the problems were (e.g. crowds, crowds, crowds, not enough time, and a false expectation of what to expect in summer.)

Eric wrote in: “I recently visited Yosemite and bought the detailed national geographic map # 206 (yosemite). I live in florida and will not use it again anytime soon at least! Can you post that I’m willing to give it to whomever can use it. Ask them to email me . If they choose to offer a few bucks for shipping, that’ll be fine but not required. Still cheaper than the 17 dollar map.”

Note: Eric gave away the map to one lucky reader who emailed him so I’m removing his email address per his request. Thanks for sending that in Eric.

Jen wrote in: “(Photo of the Day: Busted!Sent in by reader Debbie) My guess is he probably knew exactly where he was, and may have been calling someone with a computer who could take a screenshot of the webcam with him in it. A friend and I recently hiked to Sentinel Dome and made a detour to find the cam. Unfortunately it was just a day before they got it fixed again, but we do plan to go back sometime to stand in view of it and call someone back home to capture us. :-)”

LOL! Awesome Jen. Let us know when you’re going back and I’ll grab the image.

Thank you everyone who sends in comments, questions and photos. I don’t always have the chance to answer (2 kids and work keeping me busy now days) but I try to get as many as I can. If you’d like to send in a photo, question or just a comment you can email me at



