Mai Lee Asks About Yosemite Around Easter

Mai Lee writes:

I am planning to go to Yosemite with my family in April during my sister’s kids Spring break which also falls on the Easter Sunday weekend. Is that a good week to visit Yosemite? Will it be crowded? I am tempted to make reservation at Scenic Wonders, but not too thrill with the cancellation policy (although majority of the lodging has similar policy). Do you have any advice for me?

Is snowshoeing and cross country skiing are the only way to get to Tuolumne Meadows during the snow season? What are the things to do in Yosemite during the Winter season if one does not know how to ski? and where to stay during this time with the road closure?

Easter is a beautiful time to be in Yosemite but every year I am astonished by the vast numbers of people that have the same idea. In fact, some of the longest lines I’ve seen at the gates to the park have been on Easter Sunday. Here’s my advice if you do decide to head up to the park Easter Sunday, go early.

Most of the crowds start showing up around 10ish. If you plan on having a lunch or a cookout find a spot early on and stake your claim.

If you’re looking to get up to Tuolumne Meadows your best bet is to come back in June. The snowpack in the park is 122% of normal right now and the only access to the higher elevations is on skis or snowshoes. If you don’t know how to ski, however, there are lots of cool things you can still do. Many of the trails in and around the Valley are still open. Though there is snow, Wawona and the Merced Grove of Giant Sequoia are beautiful in the snow. You can also hike and take pictures of wild flowers in the Merced River Canyon just outside the park. If you have an interest you might take a ski lesson at Badger Pass (say hi to Edie and Tom). There are nature walks and photography walks you can take as well as plenty of things to see at the shops in the Valley. And, as always, there’s lots of things to take pictures of.

I’m sure, before you know it, you’ll be wondering where the week went. Have a great trip.



