How cold can I expect it to be in March?

Abigail sent me a great question:

“We were planning on coming up the last weekend of March (22-27) but were concerned that it might be snowy and/or cold. Some sites showed
the temps as low as 32 at night.

Is this accurate? Do you think it will be that cold this March? Is
this the kind of season during which one needs serious camping gear
(built for freezing temps) to “survive”?”

Unfortunately it can be very cold in March. It’s not unheard of for it to still snow up until May. This year has been a lot warmer than normal though so you might be in luck. You don’t necessarily need to have special gear for cold weather camping but I would advise grabbing a couple of extra comforters and some warm blankets to take with you. And something thick to lay on like one of those air mattresses too.



