Half Dome Trail Closed During Summer

The infamous Thinking about doing the famous Half Dome Trail and taking in the view from the top? You might be in for a rude surprise if you plan on making the climb on a weekday to avoid the crowds. The National Park Service has scheduled some much needed maintenance for parts of the trail closing it off to visitors for much of the summer.

Yosemite National Park: “During the summer of 2005 trail work will be continuing on the subdome and shoulder portions of the Half Dome Trail. This work will occur from July 6 through October 4 (7:00 am-4:00 pm, Mondays-Thursdays). During this time hikers will be prohibited through this section of trail and there is no trail access to the top of Half Dome. The trail will remain open from Thursday at 4:00 pm through Monday at 7:00 am as well as after 4:00 pm until 7:00 am Monday through Wednesday.”



