Google Unleashes Your Picasa Photos in 3D Tour of Yosemite

Google is great at taking what other people have created and mashing it into something new. That’s exactly what they’ve done with their new 3D map tours. The 3D tours take user photos from Picasa and using a little bit of magic (distortion and parallax) create an almost 3D view of Yosemite’s popular landmarks. Some locations look better than others but all in all it’s pretty cool. Try it out for yourself here:*&ll=46.957674,-46.841485&spn=113.140601,158.027344&sll=46.957674,-46.841485&sspn=113.140601,158.027344&t=w&georestrict=geo:phototour&fb=0&hq=*&z=3&vector=1


