Dogwoods? Next week says Michael Frye

So if you’re an avid Yosemite photographer you’ve probably been eagerly awaiting spring for the annual blossoming of the Dogwoods. Well here’s the word, next week says Michael Frye author of The Photographer’s Guide to Yosemite.

Most of the dogwoods have sprouted the little green discs that are precursors to the full while blossoms. If the weather had stayed warm I would have said that this weekend would be good for dogwood photography, but the cooler, wetter pattern that’s set in this week may slow that down, and most dogwoods probably won’t be in full bloom until sometime next week or the following weekend (May 8th and 9th). (Michael Frye)

By the way, if you haven’t picked up Michael’s book you should. It’s a great resource not only for the photographer but anyone planning a trip to Yosemite who wants to make the most out of it or if you have a budding young photographer in the family it’s a great resource to help learn the basics of photography. Love the book

One of my very first photos of the dogwoods in Yosemite. It’s a great example of what missing the peak by a few days can mean. This one was captured by the Gates of the Valley turn out. Photo by Loyd Schutte.




