Crews Working to Keep Rim Fire Out of Yosemite


To date the fire has consumed almost 185,000 acres and destroyed 111 buildings including the Tuolumne Berkeley Family Camp. Luckily only 2 injuries have been reported and no fatalities. Large sections along Highway 108 and 120 remain under evacuation as the fire continues to threaten over 4500 homes and businesses.

Yesterday, firefighters made progress on spot fires that popped up in the Reynolds Creek drainage and began burning operations south of Duckwall Mountain to Skidmore. Crews were also preparing for additional burning operations on the north side of the Tuolumne River in an effort to keep the fire from pushing north towards Tuolumne City, Long Barn and Pine Crest. Firefighters secured a line from Pilot Ridge west towards the Yosemite boundary along Old Yosemite Highway. Aircraft continued support operations throughout the day.

Today, firefighters are expected to continue with contingency line construction in advance of the communities in the Highway 108 corridor, as well as providing structure protection.

Over 4000 personnel are currently working this fire at an estimated cost of over $33 million.






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