Crash! Boom! Bang!

Photo: Wrecked car in Merced River. Photo courtesy Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue.

Call it some strange human fascination or maybe it was a little too much William Shatner and Rescue 911! growing up but I enjoy reading the recent incident reports over on the Friends of YOSAR (Yosemite Search and Rescue) website.

Here’s an interesting photo from an accident that had occurred December 31st 2007 where a person reportedly attempted to pass several cars on a wet, sandy Highway 140 and ended up in the drink (the drink being the Merced River). The adults escaped OK but the kids in the car needed serious medical attention and were airlifted to the hospital by rescuers.

I think that pretty much sums up that people should be a little more patient while driving up our wonderful Yosemite roads.

If you enjoy stuff like this too be sure to head over to

Photo courtesy Friends of YOSAR



