Can You Find Me?

Photo: Jeep advertisement. Click to see fullsize image.

A few years ago my wife and I were camping just over Tioga Pass. She happened to pull out the camera and snap a pic of me in my Jeep with my 2 dogs. I then posted that photo on Flickr. Much to my surprise I was contacted a few weeks ago and asked permission to use the photo in an advertisement for Jeep. Of course I said, “SURE!” So here it is. Can you find me?

Click here to download the file (12 mb).

Note: Due to the complexity of the image (it’s a collage with a lot of photos), the file on the other end is a big file and might take a bit to open depending on your connection.






2 responses to “Can You Find Me?”

  1. Kathy Gries Avatar
    Kathy Gries

    I can’t see anything–no picture, no link, no nothin

  2. jersu Avatar

    I can’t see anything either. I get a message that says –
    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.