Breaking News: New Half Dome Trail Quota Enacted

We all remember the photos and videos of last summer when crowds going up Half Dome got out of control, well that may be a thing of the past as the National Park Service in Yosemite has enacted trail restrictions on Half Dome weekends and federal holidays during the summer months.

Beginning in 2010, all people using the Half Dome Trail above the subdome must have a permit in possession on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays when the cables are up. A maximum of 400 permits will be issued each of these days. (Before the permit system, fewer than 400 people used this trail on weekdays, while about 800 people used this trail on weekends and holidays, on average.)

In 2010, permits are available up to about four months in advance to one week in advance only through the National Recreation Reservation Service. Permits are not available in the park or on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservation procedures and timing for 2011 may be different. (NPS)

Reservations to hike Half Dome are available by calling 1-877-444-6777 or by visiting the Permits are not available in the park or on a first-come, first-served basis and should be booked as soon as possible but are available up to 1 week before your intended visit date.

For more information visit



