Ask A Climber

Visitors peer through a telescope at climbers on El Capitan. Photo by Tom Evans.

It’s not uncommon to see throngs of visitors standing along Northside Drive by El Cap staring up at the climbers. I mean, it DOES take a certain amount of something to risk great bodily injury in the name of fun. I guess that’s partly why the NPS, Yosemite Fund and our friends over at the Yosemite Climbing Association came up with the “Ask a Climber” program.

Yosemite Climbing Association: “There is a knowledgeable climber with telescopes at El Cap Bridge every day from 1:00pm -3:00pm until October 15th. The public is encouraged to stop by and look at the climbers on El Cap and ask questions about climbing.”

I’m betting the guy in the black hat with the beard is the climber. Kidding. Don’t send emails. Please.




