A Bunch of Real Life Heroes

I’d like to take a second to focus on a great group of guys and gals who work tirelessly day and night, in rain and snow risking their own lives to help others. Their work reads like an adventure novel. Their exploits seem almost fictional but in truth they’re quite real. I’m not talking about the “Heroes” you see on t.v. but a group of real life heroes who put it on the line everyday. I’m talking about the Yosemite Search and Rescue (YOSAR) team.

Don’t believe me? Take a second to read about some of the recent rescues they’ve been on. Everything from responding to vehicle accidents, rescuing stranded climbers and locating missing persons.

Rescuer and patient raising toward the half dome diving board. Photo by David Pope

These guys kick some serious butt. That’s why I’d like to take a moment to say, “Thanks. You guys are awesome.”

By the way, you can help save lives by donating to the Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue. Donations are tax-deductible (as if you need a reason) and the money goes to help the team with equipment and costs. For more information you can check out http://www.friendsofyosar.org/donate/donate.html

Thanks again guys. Good job.



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