iphone 4 by Makuma443

Tutorial: Share your next hike with Google Maps and your iPhone

Although probably not the best GPS unit on the market, and definitely not something you’d want to rely on for an extended backcountry trip, the GPS unit in the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 is pretty nice, and with the right software can record your hikes so you can later use them with Google maps to share with family and friends.

Download and install ($2.99 on the iTunes app store) MotionX GPS. Since the GPS pulls maps of your location from the internet and internet signal in Yosemite is spotty you’ll want to download the map of the Yosemite area to your iPhone.

How to download a map to your iPhone

To download a map start by opening the MotionX GPS app.

  1. Click the Menu button in the bottom right corner.
  2. Click the Onboard Maps button from the bottom left side of the menu.
  3. Click Add New and then MotionX O-Terrain.
  4. Click the blue Select by Area button on the upper left side of the map and, using your finger, position the target circle over Yosemite National Park.
  5. Once you have the target circle over Yosemite click the blue Next button from the top menu.
  6. Click in bar immediately under the Maps to name your map. Right below your map you’ll see 2 numbers. The top is for the minimum zoom on your map and the bottom is for the Maximum Zoom. Since this is ONLY for fun and you shouldn’t rely on the maps you download to navigate in the back country go ahead and set the minimum about 5 and the max around 13. Now click the green Download button from the bottom right corner of your screen.
  7. Click OK on the download confirmation screen.
  8. When your download is finished (it may take a while depending on your map settings) click Done at the top of the screen.

Creating a track

Creating a new track of your hike is pretty easy. The thing I find hardest is remembering to start recording the track.

  1. Click the orange Menu button in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  2. Click the Track Recorder button at the top right of the menu.
  3. Click the green Start Track button in the center of your screen.
  4. Go on your hike.
  5. When you reach your the end of your hike hit the orange Pause Track button and then the blue Save Track button.

Exporting a track

If you’re a Google Earth fanatic MotionX GPS will export your track in .GPX and .KMZ format. If you just want a map to share with family and friends of your hike (bragging rights are everything you know) MotionX GPS will generate a Google Map automatically of your track when you share it. Did I mention you can share the track from your hike on Facebook, Twitter or by email?

Exporting by Email

To get the .GPX or [.KMZ](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.kmz file you need to export via email.

  1. Click the orange Menu button in the bottom right corner of your screen to bring up the menu.
  2. Select Tracks from the bottom right hand side of your screen.
  3. Click on the name of the track you want to share.
  4. Click the blue Options button at the top of your screen.
  5. Now click the Share button.
  6. Click the Settings button at the top of your screen.
  7. Make sure Email Sharing has a green light next to it and the little switch is turned to “on”.
  8. Enter your name in the Display Name field right below where it says Email Sharing.
  9. Enter you email address in the field below that. Make sure here is a green checkmark next to it. Note: If you want to share your map with anyone else enter their name in the additional fields below yours and click the blue checkmark. A green check means they’ll get your track too.
  10. If you want to share by Facebook and Twitter you can enter your login information by scrolling down to the bottom of the Share screen. Otherwise click the blue Done button at the top of the screen.
  11. Now click the share button in the middle of your screen.

You’ve shared your track. You should now have an email with your .GPX and [.KMZ](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.kmz file from noreply@motionx.com. In your email you’ll see all the pertinent information about your track as well as the link to your track on Google Maps. If you sent your track to another MotionX GPS users iPhone they will be able to import and follow your track on their iPhone.

MotionX GPS is available on the Apple iTunes Store for iPhone 3, 3GS and 4 for $2.99.

Title image by Makuma443. Thanks to my wife for patiently holding the phone while I snapped photos.



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3 responses to “Tutorial: Share your next hike with Google Maps and your iPhone”

  1. chetan Avatar

    hey great blog, been reading for a while. i noticed you thanked the wife for holding the phone while you took shots, you can just hold the center button on the iphone for a bit, it will just take a screenshot of whats on the phone. its a neat trick, there are several videos on youtube explaining in case you didn’t understand.

    1. Loyd Avatar

      Thanks for the tip, Chetan. I was going to have her point at the buttons but then decided against it halfway through.

  2. Danika Avatar

    Actually, you need to hold down, then release both the center button and the top button at the same time. Holding down only the center button gives you Voice Control. The screenshots are stored in your camera roll. These instructions are for all models up to & including 3Gs. I can’t speak on the 4, since I don’t have it yet.