What is your favorite thing to do in Yosemite?

Here’s the results from the latest poll. This one ran for an entire month which I think is a better idea right now. That gives everyone a chance to vote in the poll.

The most recent results from the Yosemite Blog poll shows that most YB readers travel to Yosemite to take pictures.

It appears that 40% of you, the Yosemite Blog readers, like to take pictures when you’re visiting Yosemite. And why not, it’s such a beautiful and marvelous place!

The new poll should be up in just a bit. I’m going to let this one run for an entire month so, you’ll have plenty of chances to vote.






One response to “What is your favorite thing to do in Yosemite?”

  1. BlogCruiser Avatar

    This survey had some very interesting results for me to ponder. I really enjoy photography my self and capturing the moments, memories and scenes. Photographing wonderful scenery can be very fun and exhilarating. I would have thought that hiking and actually sitting back and enjoying the scenery would have rated higher then the photography itself though. Thanks for the post back too. I really enjoy and benefit from what you’re accomplishing with this blog. Please keep the wonderful images, stories, and information coming.