Dane’s wife Angie was raised in Mariposa so it really came as no surprise when Dane told me they were moving back to the hills so they could be close to her parents and raise their kids outside the city. Hey I was raised in the country so I see nothing wrong with it. Besides, now I have a place to stay close to Yosemite. Anyway, out of the rat hole, Dane set up his computer and pointed the webcam out the window and has been taking some pretty interesting shots. Like this one, some wild turkeys that make their way to his property. Dane’s webcam is great because it not only has interesting subject matter but he lives at the same elevation as Yosemite Valley, so i can get a pretty decent weather reading by looking at his webcam.
Thanks for setting that up Dane. Your wife baking cookies anytime soon?
By the way, if you’re wondering how close Dane is to the park…well…enough to make me jealous is all I’m gonna say.